Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act
(H.R. 218) Firearm Qualification

If you are a retired Law Enforcement Peace Officer and need to qualify for your yearly H.R. 218 we can help.

Marc is an NRA Pistol, CCW and Rifle instructor as well as an NRA Chief Range Safety Officer and Texas License to Carry Instructor.  Marc offers a course of fire that is challenging and meets or exceeds most agencies minimal qualification requirements for retirees.  This qualification also meets the standards set by the Texas Commission On Law Enforcement (TCOLE). 

Course of Fire Includes:

  • 50 Rounds.
  • Fired at distances from point blank to 15 yards.
  • B-27 or similar silhouette target.
  • Combat scoring.
  • 20 rounds fired at or beyond 7 yards.
  • Includes one timed reload.
  • Minimum passing score of 70 percent (175 out of 250). 

If your local agency is unavailable to administer a qualification for you contact us for assistance.

Because agencies have different procedures regarding retiree’s H.R. 218 qualification rules, be sure to review your department’s requirements. 

You will need a semi-auto or revolver, two magazines or speed loaders, holster and 50-rounds of ammunition.  

Location:  Right To Carey Guns 108 Gateway Hills Lane Granbury, Texas 76049.  This is an indoor range located at Carey & Sons Marine. 

Cost:  $45.00 (Includes range fees).  You will receive a Certificate of Firearms Proficiency (If needed), course of fire sheet and a laminated H.R. 218 qualification card. 

Schedule: Marc will work around your schedule  Contact us with any scheduling questions.  We are located in Granbury Texas.

Contact us today at or call 817-964-3088.