Right To Bear is the Self Defense Protection for the Legal use of ALL WEAPONS. A need for legal coverage was a void and Right To Bear has answered the call. Right To Bear is a complete program to help and guide Americans with legal protection should they are ever in a use of force encounter. Right To Bear is the only member-based, American legal protection provider dedicated to the preservation of individual liberty, for responsible freedom loving people in the United States. Their core program includes unlimited legal defense both criminally and civilly, expert witness fees, psychological support, and gun replacement. They also offer multi-state coverage, bail bond coverage and minor children as additional coverages.
“Having been a peace officer with the Los Angeles Police Department for 26 years and continuing to conceal carry after retiring, I am aware of the need to have legal protection should I have to use force. Right To Bear provides coverage for many different situations that other companies do not. Having legal coverage is a must to protect you and your family. This is why I highly recommend Right To Bear.” -Marc Diamond Owner/Instructor MSD Defense
For $15 per month or $165 annually, you will be covered knowing Right To Bear is in your corner.
SIGN-UP today and receive your protection immediately, plus if you sign up for an annual membership you will get two months free.
SIGN-UP at https://protectwithbear.com/ and enter PROMOCODE: MSDD.
Any questions regarding this coverage feel free to contact us at marc@msddefense.com or call 817-964-3088.