NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting-Blended Training

Price: $105.00

The blended training format provides the student the flexibility to complete a significant portion of the course in an elearning environment.  Once the elearning portion of the course is complete you will meet with the instructor for the hands on classroom and range session.  You will complete a Basics of Pistol Shooting exam, live fire training/qualification and receive a Course Completion Certificate. 

You will also receive additional training including situational awareness, mindset, carrying/deploying from concealment, less lethal options and reaction time.    

Course location: Right to Carey Guns, 108 Gateway Hills Ct., Granbury Texas 76049. 

Class size:  Class is limited to 8 students.  

Course dates for classroom and range session: 

  • Saturday September 14th 9:00am-3:00pm.
  • Saturday September 21st 9:00am-3:00pm.
  • Wednesday October 9th 9:30am-3:30pm.
  • Thursday October 17th 9:30am-3:30pm.
  • Saturday October 19th 9:00am-3:00pm.
  • Saturday October 26th 9:00am-3:00pm. 
  • Tuesday October 29th 9:30am-3:30pm.

Register for this course on the NRA Website by clicking on the enroll now link below.  Select Basics of Pistol Shooting-Blended and select a date.  Once registered we will provide you with a Course Control Code and directions on how to complete the self study portion of the course prior to the course date.

If you need a different date contact us and we will add that date to the NRA site so you can register for it.  

We also offer private classes.  

Cost: $105 (includes range fees) A $40.00 deposit is required.  

Any questions contact us at or call 817-964-3088.

Enroll Now!

Our comprehensive curriculum is NRA Certified and covers all aspects of firearms safety, including proper handling, and maintenance. We offer training to help our students meet their personal defense goals.